上海红井实业有限公司是一家多元化、专业性的礼品服务商,服务于众多国际知名企业。公司创建于二零一二年,位于上海浦东陆家嘴CBD金融贸易区,是一家以观念新、效率快、产品服务出众、人员锐意进取、时刻充满工作激情的新时代企业。 我们致力于高品位、精工细作的产品质量原则,崇尚创意、时尚、清新的设计理念。为企业提供全方位的礼品咨询及销售服务,满足企业多种商务礼品的需求,包括会议、公司开业庆典、工业奠基竣工、节日、商务馈赠、员工嘉奖等。同时我们也不断推出极富行业性的特种礼品系列,并为企业提供量身定做的个性化礼品服务。针对企业的特点进行礼品个性化设计和制作,在产品及包装上印刻企业标志,务求使您的企业和产品在激烈的市场竞争中脱新颖而出。公司在努力开发自己的产品的同时还代理多家国外知名商务礼品品牌,力求为企业提供更 高层次、更高品质的专业化礼品服务。公司本着立足上海、放眼全球的市场,以国际市场新潮流和用户的需求为目标;以高质量的产品、合理的价格和对用户及时周到的服务为宗旨。为国内外企业用户提供业内领先的产品和贸易服务。 我们将为打造礼品行业中的航母而不懈努力!We provide our customer with outstanding selections of gifts, decorations, and Arts. All our gifts are quality products and designed suitable for all types of occasions, such as meetings, conferences, shows, festivals, weddings, home and living.We provide our customer with outstanding selections of gifts, decorations, and Arts. All our gifts are quality products and designed suitable for all types of occasions, such as meetings, conferences, shows, festivals, weddings, home and living.We look forward to welcoming you to QILIGIFT and serving you for years to come. Our business is for your enjoyment of beautiful, quality, and fine luxury goods. And our commitment to customer service, excellent selection, and value will keep you coming back time after time. |